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Michela Dal Brollo


Michela Dal Brollo lives and studies in Italy and Belgium, graduated with a Master’s Degree in Insitu³ at Royal Academy of Fine Arts.


I’m experimenting the correlations between urban performance and it's translation & elaboration into installations.


Devoid of square stability


This is a model for a survival kit for a nomadic practice, a rolling structure inserted with different containers, able to open in relation to which direction the car has been turned. For every position of the car something different can happen.

This tool is inspired by those “trolleys” that people, who lead a nomadic street life, create out of discarded material they find in the urban environment and use as a means of transport for their belongings.


Those rolling house, are constructed without a pre-existing project, becoming like spontaneous architectures, realized peace by peace, and transforming on the needs.
The car is a projection of the idea that every moment in time is unique and that there is no telling what the next may bring and how your needs may change.

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